


As part of my Skyrim play through, I intend on collecting and reading every book possible. As I do, I will write individual reviews for every book and give a rating out of 10 based on the content, the rarity of the book and difficulty in collecting.


I will attempt to collect every book and add them to the library I've built at Lakeview Manor in Falkreath. 

There are however, many books that are solely used as quest items and as such cannot be added to the library, e.g. King Olaf's Verse and the Black Books. In the case of these books, I will still judge the contents of each book (whether that be the words, or the Daedric realms contained within them). Books that are required as part of a fetch quest, e.g. The Last Scabbard of Akrash will still be added to the library as usual as there are often multiple copies found within Skyrim and they aren't marked as quest items even when the quest is active. 

Journals and letters will be excluded for now, although I may cover them in the future when I feel like it.